Star Rider and the Golden Threads

Star Rider and the Golden Threads has gotten some great reviews.  Here are two of them from Amazon.

Star Rider and the Golden Threads

“The honeymoon’s over. The stakes could not be higher. The newlyweds are poised to confront the very face of evil, intent on conquering their universe. This is Heidi Skarie’s most intriguing work to date. Surprising twists and insightful peeks into the ongoing battle between the human and spiritual natures within each of us.” by D. E. Munson, Author


“I love this book! I read the first of the Star Rider series and was looking forward to the next installment. It kept me up too late reading because I didn’t want to put to down! If you like a book with action, danger, mystical insight and characters you care about, this fantasy series is for you.” by Laura E.


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