Category Archives: Past lives

Michael Newton, Journey of Souls book Review

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Most of us have pondered the questions, “Why are we here?” and “What happens after we die?”  We wonder why some people are born to a wealthy and/or loving family and why others are born into poverty and/or into an unloving family.  We wonder why some people suffer from disease and die young while others live a long, healthy life.

We may come to conclusions based on our own personal religious beliefs or based on what we were taught in church.  Most think you can’t actually know the answers to these questions until you die.   Michael Newton’s book Journey of Souls Case Studies of Life Between Lives offers new insights into what happens between lives, why we are born, and why the physical world is such a hard place.

Dr. Michael Newton is a hypnotherapist who discovered that we, as soul, have a life in the spirit worlds between our lives here on earth.   The first time he had a glimpse into this soul life was when he hypnotized a client and asked her why she was lonely.  She replied, “I miss some friends in my group and that’s why I get so lonely on Earth.”

Over a period of ten years Dr. Newton worked with his clients carefully recording what they told him about their life in their “life between lives”.  He discovered that helping people find their place in the spirit worlds was more meaningful to people than remembering former lives on earth.

Newton says, “Having a conscious knowledge of their soul life in the spirit world and a history of the physical existence on planets gives these people a strong sense of direction and energy for life.”  (P. )

This remarkable book covers soul’s experience right after the body dies, and the journey to its spirit-world group of friends and what it learns there.

Many books discuss reincarnation, but this is the only one I’ve run across that goes into depth about what soul does between lives.  One of the most important aspects of Newton’s finding is helping people to eliminate the fear of death.  Newton says at the time of death, “All people report a euphoric sense of freedom and brightness around them.  Some of my subjects see brilliant whiteness totally surrounding them at the moment of death, while others observe the brightness is farther away from an area of darker space through which they are being pulled.  This is often referred to as the tunnel effect, and has become well know with the pubic.” (p. 9)

After this tunnel effect, soul is met by their relatives, close friends, and/or personal guide.  More advanced soul isn’t met by anyone as they don’t require a support system.

Next, souls are taken to a “space of healing” to help soul recover from their last life.  Here soul is debriefed by their guide about the life that just ended.  Earth is a hard place compared to the love and wisdom of the place where soul was created, so soul often returns bruised and needs time to heal.

After healing, soul returns to its group of intimate old friends who are at about the same awareness level.  This is “a small primary unit of entities who have direct and frequent contact, such as we would see in a human family.” (p. 8)

A guide, who is a more advanced soul, works with the group. “Guides only want the best for us and sometimes this means they must watch us endure much pain to reach a certain objective.  Guides cannot assist in our progress until we are ready to make the necessary changes in order to take full advantage of life’s opportunities.”  (p. 119)

With their group a soul will go over their last lifetime and review what they did well and what they could have done better.

Souls are on different levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced souls.  Newton didn’t interview many advanced souls.  He says, “The fact is, a person whose maturity is this high doesn’t seek out a regression therapist to resolve life-plan conflicts.” (p. 16)

An advance spirit shows more patience with society and has good coping skills.   They show kindness and understanding towards others.

The next area Newton covers is the selection of soul’s next life.  After the wounds of a past life are healed, soul feels the pull to reincarnate again on earth, though soul can reincarnate on other worlds a well.  With their guide, soul decides where they want to live, what lessons they want to learn, and what parents they want to be born to.

Newton gave an example of a soul who wanted to study music.  The soul wanted to live in New York with parents who were supportive and well off enough to pay for music lessons.  This soul said, “If I want to express the beauty of music and give pleasure to myself and others, I need proper training and supportive parents, otherwise I’ll get sidetracked.”  (p. 21)

Each person comes into a new life with lessons they have chosen to learn.  They pick a family, friends and a mate to help them learn these lessons.  One particularly interesting part of this plan is that we have triggers to help us remember the important people we will encounter in our life such as who we are suppose to marry.  A piece of jewelry, a laugh, the eyes, or a fragrance can trigger the memory.

We have amnesia about our soul identity when the soul and human brain merge. The merging takes place in the womb early or late in the pregnancy. This amnesia allows soul to have a fresh start.  But there is often a bleed through in young children who remember their past lives or in all of us when we meet someone we have an instant recognition of.

Once soul enters the body of a baby, it comes and goes while the baby is in the womb.  After birth, soul continues to come and go when the body is sleeping or in deep meditation.

In conclusion, Newton says, “If you carry away nothing except the idea you may have a permanent identity worth finding, I will have accomplished a great deal.”  (p. 274)

We live in an imperfect world by design.  “We bear responsibility in the evolution of a higher consciousness for ourselves and others in life.” (p. 276)  We learn that we have a loving place waiting for us where we belong.  One day we will go there to finish this long journey and reach a state of enlightenment.

I’ve just touched on the essence of this fascinating book. You may not agree with all of Newton’s findings, but does open doors to possibilities.  I believe he has just scratched the surface of the inner worlds and there is much beyond what he describes.

Michael Newton has written other books and has some You Tubes videos online.  Here’s one you might find interesting.

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Brian Weiss on Past Lives

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Last winter when I visited friends in Hawaii, I came across a remarkable book on their bookshelf: Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss.  It is a true story about a prominent psychiatrist and his patient who were both changed by the patient’s past-life memories. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested metaphysics.  It is a thought-provoking, fascinating story that took courage to write.

Catherine came to see Dr. Weiss because she was plagued by fears, phobias and anxieties that were keeping her from living a happy, fulfilled life.  After 18 months Dr. Weiss had still not made any significant progress treating her, so he tried regressing her to her childhood through hypnosis.  She remembered some childhood trauma, but she didn’t get any better.  So Dr. Weiss told her to go back to the time when her symptoms arose and she began telling him in great detail about a past life.

Neither Catherine or Dr. Weiss believed in reincarnation.  Weiss was skeptical at first but as Catherine continued to remember past lives his doubts eroded. Catherine’s past-life recalls occurred in many time periods and she was both male and female.  In all of them, she was an ordinary person: a servant, soldier or peasant.  Many of her lives were hard and her deaths brutal, such as having her throat cut or drowning in a flood.  However, it was remarkable that as she remembered these lives she started healing from her fears and anxieties.

Dr. Weiss began to research past lives and learned about Ian Stevenson who interviewed 2,000 children with past-life recall.  Weiss also discovered references to past lives in the Old and New Testaments that were taken out in 325 A. D. by the Roman emperor Constantine the Great.  Still it took him awhile to fully embrace the idea of past lives.  He studied them as a scientist would, and kept detailed records of his sessions with Catherine.

Interestingly in one session Catherine told Weiss that he was her uncle and teacher in 1568 B.C.  It became apparent that it wasn’t an accident that she and Weiss came together in this life.

In each lifetime, Weiss would take her to the moment of death and she would float out of her body, toward a light where guides or spiritual masters were always waiting for her. Even though her deaths experiences were similar,  her religious beliefs about the afterlife were different in each lifetime.

As well as remembering past lives, Catherine began to talk about her in-between–lives state.  In that state Catherine could channel guides or masters who spoke to Weiss.  Once they gave her a message from Weiss’s father and son, both of who had died.  The son had died as an infant from a heart defect and had come to show Dr. Weiss “that medicine could only go so far, that its scope is limited.” (p. 55)

From these inner guides Weiss learned that “we are all in school… (and) No one is greater than another.” (p. 210)  We learn a “systematic body of spiritual knowledge.  This knowledge spoke of love and hope, faith, and charity.” (p. 172)

From these past-life memories, Catherine got rid of her symptoms and became a much happier person. Meanwhile Weiss had a spiritual awakening and eventually felt guided to write this book about what he’d learned.  He thought it would comfort people to know that we never die, that we have lived countess life times, and there are spirits that are guiding us.

Dr. Weiss has written many other books about his experiences with patients remembering past lives.  You can check out his website at:

I also found an interesting You Tube video interview with Dr. Weiss Entreparentesis – Dr. Brian Weiss.

In this You Tube Weiss explains that consciousness survives death and that everything is about love.  In each life we have to come back here to get it right, but eventually we move to a higher place.

Knowing that our loved ones never really die helps people find joy.  In one of his past lives Dr. Weiss was killed for talking about past lives.  But in this life he feels incredibly blessed to be able to share this information and in return he meets wonderful people all over this planet.

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