Appreciate the Blessings

Geese crossing the yard

Geese crossing the yard

My last blog was on happiness and the book THE HAPPINESS ADVANTAGE by Shawn Achor.  In the book the author gives techniques to be happy.  One is to write down three good things that happened each day or that you are grateful for to stay focused on the positive in your life.


Fawn in our yard

Fawn in our yard

Yesterday I was working at my desk when I had a nudge to check the mailbox.  We have a long driveway on a wooded lot.  The mailman hadn’t come yet, but as I started back up the driveway I saw a doe with three spotted fawns.  The fawns were frolicking around and eating apples that had fallen from our apple tree.    The doe kept her eyes on me and stamped her feet.  I stood still so as to not bother her or her fawns.

Fawn walking

Fawn walking


As I watched them I was grateful for the gift of seeing these beautiful creatures.  I was open to seeing the blessing.  When they wandered away I continued up the driveway and a saw a garter snake.  The light shone on its yellow stripe as it moved gracefully through the green grass.  Seeing it reminded me of my childhood.  I like garter snakes and played with them when I was young.


Butterfly on a Birch tree

Butterfly on a Birch tree

Later, when I got the mail I saw a lovely Mourning Cloak butterfly on the orange daylilies growing beside the mailbox.  At the end of the day I went for a walk and again saw the doe and her three fawns in a neighbor’s yard.  Everything I saw seemed to shine with light and the love of life on this special summer day.




I realized that the technique of writing down three things a day was working for me.  It was helping me see the blessing in my life even when things are challenging.  I also realized I had gotten lax in writing down three things each day.  I was reminded that we are responsible for our own happiness and that I need to keep looking for the blessings in my life that come in the form of flowers, trees, animals, family, friends and having a nice home.

A chipmunk

A chipmunk

Tree frog

Tree frog

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